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Direct Lines Make Getting in Touch Easier


To save you time, we now have direct lines to many of the team members you need to connect with at Empire Machinery.

Rick McLean, President: 204.800.0392

Sean Mashinter, Sales Manager, Vice President: 204.697.0880

Paul Zwegers, Ontario Sales & Service: 905.767.2792

Kyle Johnston, Sales (Ontario): 416.666.3327

Darrell Sawchyn, Sales (AB/SK): 306.261.7101

Stefan Dirks, Sales (HVAC Machinery): 204.697.0906

Lorne Essau, Parts Manager: 204.632.5273

Melanie Rempel, Service Coordinator: 204.410.4712

CALL US TODAY! We’re always happy to use our 30+ years of experience to help you succeed!