Empire Machinery & Tools is proudly celebrating 30 years of supplying quality sheet metal and metal fabricating machinery this year. Our first machinery catalogue (See the cover in the picture) was published in 1987 by Empire Sheet Metal which began a new venture into machinery distribution.
Empire Sheet Metal was established in 1925, and was one of Canada’s oldest manufacturers of HVAC fittings and custom sheet metal products at the time. The decision to sell sheet metal and metal fabricating equipment proved pivotal in setting Empire Machinery’s future growth.
Empire credits their ongoing success first and foremost to the strong relationships it enjoys with its customers, employees and suppliers.
Empire will be celebrating
Empire will be giving away a $30 Tim’s gift card every month to a lucky winner who signs up to receive our monthly email specials. Click here to add yourself to the list, and get your name into the draw! Good luck to all, and thank you for helping us celebrate our 30th anniversary!