Iowa Precision Full HVAC Coil Line Return on Investment
Justification Numbers
Blank Size/Weight/Lbs Per Part Used
36 x 60 L Duct (22 Gauge) = 18.28 Lbs. Per Part
Material Savings
Coil Stock vs. Sheet Stock Savings
20% Savings on Scrap Reduction/Shop Throughput
Labor Savings (Straight Duct Only Based Upon 75% of Total Metal Usage)
Labor Cost to Manually Shear, Bead, Notch, Rollform, Insulate and Brake Complete Duct
*(2)Operators will average about 8 Min./Part utilizing sheet stock methods
Labor Cost Per Part:
Parts Per Year:
Yearly Labor for Parts:
*(1)Operator needed to run Pro-Duct utilizing coil stock
*Operator will average about 20 sec./Part
Labor Cost Per Part:
Parts Per Year:
Yearly Labor for Parts:
Yearly Labor Savings:
Total Yearly Labor, Material and Scrap Savings: