The Em-Pro spotwelders have been very reliable machines for our customers for the 10+ years that we have been offering them.
The spotwelder arms are available in 24″ and 30″ lengths and can be configured in four different ways (see above photo).
At the time the machine is ordered, Empire sets up the arm configuration according to the customer’s choice, however, the arms can be adjusted to any of the Configuration #’s 1, 2 or 3 after the machine is received by simply adjusting the arms using metric allen keys and changing out the tips. (Configuration 4 requires a modified lower arm and adaptor to allow for the spot welding of small diameter parts.)
[button style=”btn-default btn-lg” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Download and Print DIY Guide in PDF form” link=””]
We have put together a video that walks you through the DIY process of adjusting the arms. In the sample process shown we are changing the tip holder from Configuration 1 to Configuration 3.
If you have any questions, just contact Empire and we will be happy to offer e-mail or phone support!